Jenny Molenda wrote a blog post about making a homemade meal with her friends. They decided as a group that they would make spaghetti. They would each make a separate part of the meal in order to split up costs in a fair way. Jenny was in charge of making the sauce and called her mom to get her recipe. Jenny and her friends used this time to hang out and forget about school for a while. It seemed to me like a really fun activity to do with a group of friends, and a nice way to get a home cooked meal at college.
Jenny agrees with what Pollen has to say about Americans not taking the time to really enjoy their meals and spend too much time concerned about the nutritional value of what they are eating. The meal that she made with her friends did not however influence her opinion on what Pollen has to say. She still agrees with him because her friends did in fact take time to enjoy this meal and have fun.
I think Jenny does a really good job of relating her meal making experience with what Pollen says. It was interesting to see that Jenny and her friends made their meal in a way that Pollen would suggest doing, or would approve of. The blog that Jenny links to really does a good job of backing up both her and Pollen’s ideas about how taking time to enjoy your food is important. According to the blog, your health can be improved just by taking time to eat, enjoying your eating experience, and by paying attention to when you are full. These things all lead you to eating healthier in general. I thought Jenny’s blog was interesting and she sounded like she really enjoyed being able to make a meal with her friends.
*Photo taken from diningin.com