The current celebrity endorsement that I found is Drew Barrymore for Covergirl. This product is a makeup line that carries everything from eyeliner to lip-gloss. The endorsement is basically Drew in commercials and print ads looking all beautiful and made-up so she can promote the product. A lot of times the pictures and shots are very close up to her face so it can focus on the area of the body this product is targeting.
In my opinion I think Drew Barrymore is an appropriate choice for Covergirl to use to endorse their products. I think this because it makes a whole lot more sense than to have a man endorsing it or a young child. By picking a young, hip actress who would be someone that would use a lot of makeup every day, the company is trying to get girls like her to relate to the product. Because of this reason I do believe that this is a successful campaign, and probably has been successful for both parties involved since Drew is getting her face out to the public more and more by doing this.
Even though I think the endorsement is appropriate I do not think that Drew Barrymore has any more knowledge about makeup than any other woman. So in this sense they are just using her status as a celebrity to sell their makeup, not her status as someone who would be considered a makeup expert.
Even though I believe that so far this celebrity endorsement is successful, an article called “Celebrity endorsements gone bad” from forbes.com reminds us that there have been many times when celebrity endorsements seem good and then all of the sudden fail, usually because of something the celebrity does or says. So you never know, maybe someday hiring Drew Barrymore as a Covergirl might backfire on the company when least expected.
* Photo taken from dawnofanewera.com
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