When I was home recently I prepared a meal for my family. First I had to plan what I wanted to make. I decided to do something fun and make homemade pizzas, raspberry jell-o salad, and brownies for desert (not very healthy, but fun). I had to go to the store to find all of the ingredients I needed for my meal. Making the meal itself was fun but also a lot of work. It ended up being delicious and I felt proud that I made a meal everyone enjoyed that night. I think each step was important to my feeling accomplished because everything had to be thought out in advance.
After reading the section of In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan I do agree with what he is saying. It seems that America has turned food into something that needs to be processed and changed in order for us to get what we want out of it, even though this is obviously not true because we can get all the nutrients we need out of natural foods. According to Pollan eating and preparing food has become a matter of “sound nutrition and good sanitation”. I also agree when Pollan says that Americans have always had a problem with taking pleasure in eating and the article I found defends this point by saying that French women have less weight problems because, to quote the article, "French women take pleasure in eating well, while American women see it as a conflict and obsess over it."
I don’t think that the meal I created affects my opinion when it comes to this topic as a whole, but looking back on it I did find myself trying to make my food look neat and sanitary, reflecting the matter of good sanitation that Pollen mentions in his book.
* Photo taken from www.apartmenttherapy.com