Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Response to Mike Sorenson's Blog Post

Mike Sorenson makes the point in his blog about Michael Pollen’s book In Defense of Food that Pollen thinks nutrition experts may not really be experts at all. Mike explains some of Pollen’s other ideas: processed foods are bad for you, people should be concerned about how much they eat and not eating for bodily health, and that people should eat for enjoyment. Mike links to a blog about processed foods being unhealthy. I think this was an excellent article to link to because it gets right at the point that Pollen is trying to make.

Mike then goes into why he agrees with Pollen’s argument. I think Mike does an excellent job of backing up his opinions. He provides good examples, such as bringing up William Prout and the fact that he made a big discovery about food when it was thought that everything was already known, making a reference to the fact that this could happen again. Mike thinks that the government needs to stop companies from making unhealthy foods. He thinks that it is not beneficial for companies to make foods that were once considered healthy into what we would consider unhealthy foods just to make them taste better so more people will buy them.

I also agree with what Mike is saying in the second half of his blog post. He mentioned at the very end that he agrees “America has a problem with being obsessed with eating healthy.” All of Mike’s ideas are clear and he does a good job of linking Pollen’s opinions with his own. His ideas also seemed very convincing to me and he seemed like he had done the reading and knew what he was talking about.

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