I found two articles online discussing their opposing viewpoints on the controversial topic of whether cigarette smoking should be banned in public places.
In the first article, “Why smoking in public places should be banned”, the author tells the story of her cousin who died from cancer due to secondhand smoke at her workplace. She explains that smoking is not critical to survival of the people who smoke and it is not fair that they put other people in harm’s way because of their bad habits. She wants smoking to be banned.
In the opposing article, “Why ban smoking in public?: Arguments against”, the author offers three reasons why smoking should not be banned. His first reason is that there are already set aside areas in most public places for people to smoke. Another reason is that many people have stressful jobs and need smoking to relive stress. His final reason is that smokers have rights too and should be able to keep their designated smoke areas.
After reading both articles I think that the article supporting banning smoking in public places was more convincing because the author was able to portray smoking as a very evil-like thing that threatens people’s lives. She used specific stories and examples that really made me think. The other article was also convincing because of the three distinct reasons the author presented, but did not have that relatable aspect.
My opinion has not changed on the topic after reading the articles; I don’t think one or the other was convincing enough to change someone’s mind altogether on the topic. I understand where both sides are coming from, but I personally believe that people should not have to suffer because of other people’s choices, so I think I relate more to the first article.
* Picture taken from autopartsnews.blogspot.com
I agree with you in that neither article would be enough to change someone's mind. I also agree that one person's freedoms are restricted when they infringes on others' freedoms. I am really glad I discovered this blog!